Thursday, October 20, 2011

tumpang sedih + SEDIH!


just now, aq bru je bce blog kwn aq.. totally sad! hurm.. kisah cinta yang terhalang.. hurm? yke? ntahlah..
mcm cinta tiga segi pun ade kot??? but yunk, aq ttp sokong kau! kte dah lame kawan, and i know you.. kau mmg sayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyaaaaaaaaaaaaanngggg gila kat dye! mybe sekarang bukan jodoh korang, tapi who knows, jodoh korang later.. kan kawan???? about that girl, you just let her.. ok? life moves on.. ko pun tgh happy kan?? wink2!!

soal ttg org len, aq senderi pun ada masalah dgn si dia! hurm.. ade gaduh2 la sket mlm nieh.. misunderstanding.. tp.. aq rase tu perkra biasa dlm hubungan..

even aq gaduh, but i know that he loves me.
and by, I LOVE YOU!

oh,ye! td call yaty... hahahahah.. sumpah rindu!! mcm2 borak dgn dye.. borak ttg tyn, zaty.. argghhhhhh!!! kawan2, aq rindu padamu! heheheh.. first2 td call tyn, tp x angkat.. haduish.. tyn ni ssh tol na angkat phone... he.. xpelah.. agpun dah dpt lepas rindu dgn yaty.. dan buat aq lg happy, yaty nak jumpe aq nnt.. yay!!! ade kwn la blk kb nnt..

heheh.. k lah.. bubye!

p/s : zaty, sabar k??? ko mmg dah cukup baik and aq sayangkan ko.. ko jgn risau.. ramai yg sokong ko.. apepun, ko bahagia skrg!

Saturday, October 15, 2011


SALAM.. =)

situation 1

one : hai, ika (kakak saya)
ika : oh! hai, one! how's going?
one : great! oh, btw.. who's that? ur sister?
ika : oh, yes! introduce my sister, LEMON.
one : LEMON?? HUHH??!! why lemon??

situation 2

situation : im talking with my friend and my mom call me.
mom : LEMON, datang sini jap!
my friend : hahahahahah!!! her mom call her LEMON!

situation 3

one : hai, what's your name?
me : oh! hai, just call me LEMON.
one : HURM??? ( annoying face)

okey,, that's 3 example of situation that i always face.
hahaha.. yup, quite funny but sometimes its make me uncomfortable. Just because LEMON, everyone look at me and stare at me like i am an alien. but im okey with all this stuff..

talk about LEMON, yes! that's my nickname and all my relatives call me LEMON even my bestfriend call me LEMON ( sometimes! haha)..

i just wondering, why people feel weird with my nickname? why? why?
hurm.. it is because LEMON is fruit, so it cant be my name?
then why people use BELL to call someone, and it does not weird to people?
i believe people know that BELL means 'LOCENG'.
hurm.. why this happen?

i cant answer this, because i dont know why..
orrrr.... i should ask people who weird with my name to answer this.. hehehe..
perhaps they got the answer.. ( i hope so)

eventhough everyone feel weird with my nickname, but i feel lucky because its hard to find people call their name LEMON.  i feel sooo special.. and i do love people to call me LEMON, because its my name people!
my advice, just call what you want to yourself.. its your name, and feel lucky to have it! =)